Fishers of Men

By: Pastor Doug Batchelor When Karen and I decide that it’s time to get away and pursue some much-needed R & R, we often head for the enchanting big island of Hawaii. Our friends Steve and Chris, who live near Kona, always open their beautiful home to us on such occasions. Steve is a building contractor by trade, but his real passion is for fishing. He owns a little fishing boat and is always happy for an excuse to use it. Though I am a fish-free vegetarian, I do love the sun and water and have often joined Steve and his brother, Joe, while they pursue their favorite diversion. As a result of numerous fishing excursions on the ocean with Steve and his friends, I have come to better understand why Jesus said that if we follow Him, He would make us fishers of men. Here are a few similarities I have noticed between fishing and soul winning. Fishing can be an addiction -- No matter how busy Steve is with multiple building projects and overdue deadlines, he always drop...