Pearl of Great Price
By: Pastor Doug Batchelor
An Amazing
fact! A brooch
purchased for $14 at a Bristol, Rhode Island antique shop has turned out to
contain a priceless purple pearl. Alan Golash, a Newport antiques dealer,
claims the value of the rare pearl is supported by gem experts who examined
it. His partner found the 19th century ornamental pin while rummaging
through a basket of costume jewelry at a former antiques shop. Golash,
who restores antique jewelry, cleaned the brooch, and discovered it was made of
18-karat gold and enamel and included three small rose-cut diamonds. Based on
its construction and Victorian styling, it is believed to have been created
sometime between 1850 and 1875. But most notably, the brooch features two rare
pearls, both of which gem experts say are all natural, purple and produced from
a type of clam known as Quahogs –which are extraordinarily rare. The larger of
the two pearls is about the size of a marble. "We've never had a pearl
like this before," said Betty Lin, Vice President of Jewelry at Christie's
Auction House. Golash plans to sell the brooch at auction in two years in Hong
Kong, where pearls are highly prized. In the meantime, he plans to put the
jewel, which he's calling the Pearl of Venus, on a nationwide tour to increase
awareness and also its value, which may exceed several million.

Jesus said, "…the
kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had
found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
Matthew 13:45, 46
I remember reading a story about an
American missionary, David Morse who, while serving in India, became great
friends there with a local pearl diver, Rambhau. Many an evening he spent
in Rambhau's humble hut, reading to him from the Bible, and explaining to him
God's way of Salvation.
Rambhau enjoyed listening to the
Word of God, but whenever the missionary tried to get Rambhau to make a
decision and accept Christ as his Savior, he would shake his head and reply,
"Your Christian way to Heaven is too easy for me! I cannot accept
it. If ever I should find admittance to Heaven in that manner, I would
feel like a pauper there…like a beggar who has been let in out of pity. I
may be proud, but I want to know I have earned my place in Heaven, and so I
am going to work for it."
Nothing the missionary could say seemed to have
any effect on Rambhau's decision, and so quite a few years slipped by.
One evening, however, the missionary heard a knock on his door. He found Rambhau standing there looking very serious.
"Come in, dear friend,"
said David. "No," said the pearl diver. "I want you to come with
me to my house, Sahib. I have something to show you. Please do not say
"Of course I'll come,"
replied David. As they neared his house, Rambhau said: "In a week's
time I will begin a pilgrimage, working for my place in Heaven; I am leaving
for Delhi, and I am going there on my hands and knees."
"Man, you're crazy!" said
David. "It's nine hundred miles to Delhi, and the skin will break on
your knees, and you will have blood-poisoning or leprosy before you ever get to
"No, I must get to
Delhi," affirmed Rambhau, "and the immortals will reward me for
it! The suffering will be sweet for it will purchase Heaven for me!"
David responded, "Rambhau, my
friend, you can't. How can I bear you to do it when Jesus Christ
has suffered and died to purchase Heaven for you!"
But the old man could not be
dissuaded. "You are my dearest friend on earth, Sahib Morse.
Through all these years you have stood by me in sickness, in want; you have
been sometimes my only friend. But even you cannot turn me from my
purpose to purchase eternal bliss. I must go to Delhi!"
Inside the hut, David was seated in
the very chair Rambhau had specially built for him, where on so many occasions
he had read to him the Bible. Rambhau left the room to return soon with a
small but heavy English strongbox. "I have had this box for years,"
said Rambhau, "and I keep only one thing in it. Now I will tell you about
it, Sahib Morse. I once had a son…"
Astonished, David replied, "A
son! Why, Rambhau, you have never before said a word about him!"
"No, Sahib, I
couldn't." Even as he spoke, Rambhau's eyes were
moistened. "Now I must tell you, for soon I will leave on my pilgrimage,
and who knows whether I shall ever return. My son was a diver, like
me. He was the best pearl diver on the coasts of India. He had the
swiftest dive, the keenest eye, the strongest arm and the longest breath of any
man who ever sought pearls. What joy he brought to me! Most pearls,
as you know, have some defect or blemish only an expert can discern, but my boy
always dreamed of finding the 'perfect' pearl, one beyond all that was ever
found. One day he found it! But by the time he found it, he had
been under water too long…and that pearl cost him his life, for his lungs began
to bleed and he died soon after."
The old pearl diver bowed his
head. For a moment his whole body shook, but there was no sound.
"All these years," Rambhau continued, "I have kept this pearl,
but now I am leaving, and it is doubtful if I will ever return. To you,
my best friend, I am giving my pearl."
Rambhau worked the combination on
the strongbox and drew from it a carefully wrapped package. Gently
opening the cotton, he picked up a mammoth gleaming pearl and placed it in the
hand of the missionary. David knew instantly this pearl was one of
the largest pearls ever found off the coast of India. It glowed with an
iridescent luster and brilliance never seen in cultured pearls. It
would have brought a fabulous sum in any market.
For a moment David was speechless
and gazed with awe. "Rambhau! What a pearl!"
With a soft reverent voice, Rambhau
said, "That pearl, Sahib, is perfect,”.
David quickly looked up, realizing
this to be the very opportunity and occasion for which he had prayed, an
opportunity to help Rambhau understand the value of Jesus' sacrifice!
David said, "Rambhau, this is a wonderful pearl, an amazing
pearl. Let me buy it. I would give you $10,000 for it."
Rambhau replied, "Sahib!
What do you mean?"
"Well, I will give you fifteen
thousand dollars for it," David said, "and if it takes more, I will
work for it."
"Sahib," said Rambhau,
stiffening his entire body, "This pearl is beyond any price.
No man in the entire world has money enough to pay what this pearl is worth to
me. On the market, a million dollars could not buy it. I
will not sell it to you. You may only have it as a gift."
"No, Rambhau," David
responded, "I cannot accept that. As much as I want the pearl, I
cannot accept it for free. Perhaps I am proud, but that is too
easy. I must pay for it…or work for it."
Rambhau was stunned. "You
don't understand at all, Sahib! Don't you see? My only son gave his
life to get this pearl, and I won't sell it for any money. Its worth is
in the lifeblood of my son. I cannot sell this pearl, but I can give it
to you. Please accept it as a token of
the love I have for you." David was choked-up and for a moment could not
speak. Then he gripped the hand of the old pearl diver.
"Rambhau," he said in a quiet voice, "don't you see? My
words are exactly what you have been saying to God all this time."
Rambhau looked long and searchingly
at the missionary, and slowly, slowly he began to understand.
"God is offering to you
Salvation as a free gift," said David. "His gift of Salvation
is so great and priceless that no man on earth can buy it, as millions of
dollars are too little. No man could ever work it off; his life would be
millions of years too short. No man is good enough to deserve
it. It cost God the life-blood of His only Son to make the entrance
for you into Heaven. In a million years, in a hundred
pilgrimages, you could not earn that entrance. All you can do is to
accept it as a token of God's love for you, a sinner. Rambhau, of course
I will accept the pearl in deep humility, praying God I may be worthy of your
love. Rambhau, won't you accept God's great gift of Heaven, too, in deep
humility, knowing it cost Him the death of His Son to offer it to you?"
With tears rolling down his cheeks,
Rambhau was beginning to understand. In a soft voice, he said,
"Sahib, I see it now. I have believed in the doctrine of Jesus
for the last two years, but I could not believe His Salvation was free.
Now I understand. Some things are too priceless to be bought or
earned. I do not need to crawl on my pilgrimage to Delhi. Sahib, I
accept Jesus’ gift of Salvation!"
Ephesians 2:8, 9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
"His gift of Salvation is so great and priceless that no man on earth can buy it, as millions of dollars are too little. No man could ever work it off;