Seeds of Truth - Pastor Doug Batchelor

Ancient Seeds - among the cases of extremely old seeds that sprouted include 3400-year-old beans from the tomb of Tutankhamen. The seeds were originally found when English Egyptologist Howard Carter excavated the famous king’s tomb in 1922. Among the many, very rich objects in the tomb, he found the stored bean seeds, which had been asleep underground for 3,300 years. He had them planted in the ground in rich soil, with sun, fertilizer and water, and the ancient seeds sprouted and grew into healthy plants. It is astonishing how the Lord can design these seeds to quietly store the essence of life for thousands of years and then spring into existence after being buried with a little light and water. The Bible teaches that people can find new life after being buried under the right conditions.

"But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred." Mark 4:8, NKJV.

When I was growing up, I used to read and hear a variety of colorful stories about the folk hero Johnny Appleseed. Like other American pioneers, he was often the subject of exaggerated legends. However, there are several things about Johnny Appleseed that we know to be true. To begin with, his real name was John Chapman. He lived between 1775 and 1845 and had a special love for apples. John came from Philadelphia with apple seeds from the cider presses. He traveled widely throughout the Ohio River valley, planting, grafting, and pruning apple trees.  

In my mind I used to envision Johnny carefully drying and separating those precious apple seeds. Then he’d roam the countryside with a vigilant eye, looking for a suitable place in which a young apple tree could flourish—by a stream or spring, or on the side of a hill with deep, rich soil. With a hopeful prayer in his heart, he would gently push those little seeds into the earth and pat the ground before moving on to the next promising place.

As a result of practicing his favorite hobby, this one man provided mountains of apples to feed thousands of people for several generations! Furthermore, he forever beautified the entire Ohio River valley. Even to this day, that region is a very rich source of apples—largely inspired by the early work of Johnny Appleseed.

I have often wondered what the world would be like if every Christian felt that same compelling desire and persistent resolve to spread God’s seeds of truth. Imagine these gospel pioneers, constantly searching for hearts that are open and fertile.
Sometimes we may think, “I’m not a preacher or teacher or evangelist. What can I do?” If we pray daily for opportunities to share our faith, God will not let us down. Be prepared, and stay well-armed with an arsenal of gospel seeds. I always try to keep a few books or tapes in my car for these occasions, and the Holy Spirit never fails to arrange heavenly-ordained appointments. One little booklet or tape can change a person’s life for eternity! When watered with the Holy Spirit and warmed by Christian love, something is bound to spring up!

You see, I am a Christian today because someone gave me a book that changed my life. So I believe in spreading seeds of truth. In the course of my day when I meet a store clerk or bank teller, I try to begin a friendly conversation.  Soon I find myself thinking, “Should I offer this person a book or a video? He drives to work; maybe a cassette tape would be better!” The world is filled with millions of people who are searching for answers and for meaning to their lives. God will use us to reach them if we are just willing to be used!

Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Mat 9:37, 38 NKJV

The living force contained within a little seed may remain dormant for years but the power can still be staggering! A few years ago in an ancient Egyptian tomb, some archeologist discovered wheat seeds in a clay jar. They were a different variety than anything known in modern times. Hoping against hope, they planted some in carefully controlled conditions never dreaming that after 3,500 years, the spark of life could still be locked within. They sprouted, grew, and ripened!  So today, from those old forgotten seeds, the world has a delicious new type of red Egyptian wheat that was previously thought to be extinct.

At Amazing Facts, we have witnessed the abiding dormant power in Gospel seeds too! From time to time we hear thrilling reports of people finding the truth and accepting Jesus from a booklet, lesson or tape that had been cast aside and forgotten for years but then was providentially rediscovered.

There is another story of a missionary, who after years of devoted service in a hostile pagan land, was arrested by government leaders and sentenced to death for his faith. Before his public execution, he tried to comfort his family and little flock of believers by reminding them, “When Jesus comes, I will rise with a new body and live forever. Just be true and we will meet again..” Hearing this, his persecutors were infuriated. Hoping to prevent his resurrection and discourage the believers, they had his coffin buried in a deep grave, covered by a  thick slab of concrete, and wrapped with a band of iron. But a little oak seed lodged and sprouted on the side of the concrete between the slab and the band of iron. After a few years the sprout grew into a great tree raising up the slab of concrete breaking the iron and exposing the missionary’s coffin. The power of that little seed reassured the local Christians that God’s Word would triumph in the end.

Mat 17:20  “So Jesus said to them, ... if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Many times we have witnessed little seeds of truth breaking open Satan’s prisons. Then in the day of the great harvest we will share in the everlasting joy of knowing we helped people find Jesus because we scattered seeds of truth. So what do you say, friends? Let’s fill a bag with some gospel seed and start planting!

“He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalm 126:6.


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